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Matthew Belden

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Hello I was just wondering if there is any updates on when the other items would start shipping. I know things are slow due to both covid and the ships so I am sorry if I am being too "where is my stuff where is my stuff blah blah blah" haha I am sure you are getting a lot of those. If an email was sent out what address would it be from? I only ask because originally my mom had put it on her email and was telling me about any updates. but than I changed it to mine back when we could download the pdf version of the book. I can confirm I got the book which is soo amazing. If you need my email to confirm or look up my order, its belden.matthew95@gmail.com, looking forward to hearing back. ps if this is more for the fans and not going to the team that put this all together do any of the other fans know where I might go to find more information?

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