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  • Iconic Soldier A'tir Levels 1-3 By Sazeral

    • 2661
    When A’tir went through the Prim’tah, he knew he and his symbiote were destined for greatness. For a decade, he served as guard to his master, never thinking to question his God. He served faithfully and diligently.   Eventually, A’tir started to hear whispers of a Jaffa who was shol’vah and betrayed his Master. A’tir listened. Perhaps his Master wasn’t without flaw. The shadows of questions formed as triflings piled up and as the cracks in his God’s mask began to show.  With swift cert
  • Iconic Diplomat Maste Levels 1-3 By Sazeral

    • 2539
    Beloved by all, Bythal was the daughter of the High Priestess of her Clan. Groomed to be the next priestess, she sought to help her people as much as she could, always with a smile and a warm word.   When illness befell the clan, she was the first to aid the sick, turning to off-world allies. Having been visited by an SG Team before, she reached out to the SGC for aid, but by the time aid arrived, Bythal had succumbed to the illness’ grip. Her people begged the SGC to save their beloved Byth
  • Iconic Soldier Rodriguez Levels 1-3 By Sazeral

    • 2513
    Originally from Puerto-Rico, Captain Selena Rodriguez was the youngest Air Force Pilot to reach the rank of Captain after she was thrust into the lead of a squad when her commander was shot down over Bosnia. In March 2000, Capt. Rodriguez, was diverted from her patrols of the Pacific Ocean for a strange mission that involved what she later found out was a crashing spaceship.  Capt. Rodriguez was instrumental in keeping other Earth forces away from the crash site while it was covered up.
  • Stargate SG-1 Roleplaying Game - Core Rulebook By Sazeral

    • From 10.00 USD
    The Stargate SG-1 Roleplaying Game is an officially licensed sci-fi tabletop game where you assume the role of a member of Stargate Command. As an SG team member, you and your teammates will go on missions, guided by a Gatemaster, in the fight against the Goa'uld and other threats. The game is based on the D&D 5th Edition Open Gaming License. Backing this project makes you among the first to join up with the Stargate program at the Phoenix Site!
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