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Has anyone done a Trait Block for Cimmerians yet?


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This is what I produced to help give them a unique feel:


Cimmerian Human Traits

Hit Points: You gain +10 additional HP.

Ability Score Increase: Based on Chosen God

Proficiencies: Based on Chosen God

Recovery: When you recover HP due to a Short Rest, you regain an additional +TD

Children of the Gods Cimmerians worship all of their gods at different times. They do gain extra benefits based on which of the Norse Pantheon they have taken as their chosen God.  


Odin, God of Knowledge and War

Ability Score Increase: Choose either Wisdom or Strength to improve by +2

Proficiencies: Insight and Perception

Gift: Advantage on Insight and Perception checks in circumstances where Goa’uld themselves, Goa’uld technology, or servants of Goa’uld are involved.


Aegir, God of the Sea and Storms

Ability Score Increase: Choose either Intelligence or Dexterity to improve by +2

Proficiencies: Nature and Acrobatics

Gift: Advantage on Nature and Acrobatics checks in circumstances where Goa’uld themselves, Goa’uld technology, or servants of Goa’uld are involved.


Balder, God of Beauty and Poetry

Ability Score Increase: Choose either Charisma or Dexterity to improve by +2

Proficiencies: Performance and Persuasion

Gift: Advantage on Performance and Persuasion checks in circumstances where Goa’uld themselves, Goa’uld technology, or servants of Goa’uld are involved.


Forseti, God of Justice and Law

Ability Score Increase: Choose either Intelligence or Wisdom to improve by +2

Proficiencies: Investigation and Insight

Gift: Advantage on Investigation and Insight checks in circumstances where Goa’uld themselves, Goa’uld technology, or servants of Goa’uld are involved.


Frey, God of Fertility and the Sun

Ability Score Increase: Choose either Charisma or Intelligence to improve by +2

Proficiencies: Persuasion and Science

Gift: Advantage on Persuasion and Science checks in circumstances where Goa’uld themselves, Goa’uld technology, or servants of Goa’uld are involved.


Freya, Goddess of Fertility and Love

Ability Score Increase: Choose either Charisma or Wisdom to improve by +2

Proficiencies: Medicine and Insight

Gift: Advantage on Medicine and Insight checks in circumstances where Goa’uld themselves, Goa’uld technology, or servants of Goa’uld are involved.


Frigga, Goddess of Birth and Fertility

Ability Score Increase: Choose either Intelligence or Wisdom to improve by +2

Proficiencies: Medicine and Science

Gift: Advantage on Medicine and Science checks in circumstances where Goa’uld themselves, Goa’uld technology, or servants of Goa’uld are involved.


Heimdall, God of Watchfulness and Loyalty

Ability Score Increase: Choose either Intelligence or Wisdom to improve by +2

Proficiencies: Perception and Insight

Gift: Advantage on Perception and Insight checks in circumstances where Goa’uld themselves, Goa’uld technology, or servants of Goa’uld are involved.


Hel, Goddess of the Underworld

Ability Score Increase: Choose either Charisma or Wisdom to improve by +2

Proficiencies: Intimidation and Insight

Gift: Advantage on Intimidation and Insight checks in circumstances where Goa’uld themselves, Goa’uld technology, or servants of Goa’uld are involved.


Hermod, God of Luck

Ability Score Increase: Choose either Charisma or Dexterity to improve by +2

Proficiencies: Sleight of Hand and Deception

Gift: Advantage on Sleight of Hand and Deception checks in circumstances where Goa’uld themselves, Goa’uld technology, or servants of Goa’uld are involved.


Loki, God of Thieves and Trickery

Ability Score Increase: Choose either Charisma or Dexterity to improve by +2

Proficiencies: Performance and Deception

Gift: Advantage on Performance and Deception checks in circumstances where Goa’uld themselves, Goa’uld technology, or servants of Goa’uld are involved.


Njord, God of Sea and Wind

Ability Score Increase: Choose either Intelligence or Dexterity to improve by +2

Proficiencies: Science and Acrobatics

Gift: Advantage on Science and Acrobatics checks in circumstances where Goa’uld themselves, Goa’uld technology, or servants of Goa’uld are involved.


Odur, God of Sunlight and the Sun

Ability Score Increase: Choose either Wisdom or Intelligence to improve by +2

Proficiencies: Engineering and Culture

Gift: Advantage on Engineering and Culture checks in circumstances where Goa’uld themselves, Goa’uld technology, or servants of Goa’uld are involved.


Sif, Goddess of War

Ability Score Increase: Choose either Strength or Dexterity to improve by +2

Proficiencies: Athletics and Acrobatics

Gift: Advantage on Athletics and Acrobatics checks in circumstances where Goa’uld themselves, Goa’uld technology, or servants of Goa’uld are involved.


Skadi, God of Earth and Mountains

Ability Score Increase: Choose either Wisdom or Intelligence to improve by +2

Proficiencies: Nature and Survival

Gift: Advantage on Nature and Survival checks in circumstances where Goa’uld themselves, Goa’uld technology, or servants of Goa’uld are involved.


Surtur, God of Fire Giants and War

Ability Score Increase: Choose either Strength or Charisma to improve by +2

Proficiencies: Intimidation and Athletics

Gift: Advantage on Intimidation and Athletics checks in circumstances where Goa’uld themselves, Goa’uld technology, or servants of Goa’uld are involved.


Thor, God of Storms and Thunder

Ability Score Increase: Choose either Strength or Charisma to improve by +2

Proficiencies: Persuasion and Athletics

Gift: Advantage on Persuasion and Athletics checks in circumstances where Goa’uld themselves, Goa’uld technology, or servants of Goa’uld are involved.


Thyrm, God of Frost Giants and Cold

Ability Score Increase: Choose either Strength or Wisdom to improve by +2

Proficiencies: Survival and Athletics

Gift: Advantage on Survival and Athletics checks in circumstances where Goa’uld themselves, Goa’uld technology, or servants of Goa’uld are involved.


Tyr, God of Courage and Strategy

Ability Score Increase: Choose either Intelligence or Wisdom to improve by +2

Proficiencies: Investigation and Perception

Gift: Advantage on Investigation and Perception checks in circumstances where Goa’uld themselves, Goa’uld technology, or servants of Goa’uld are involved.


Uller, God of Hunting and Winter

Ability Score Increase: Choose either Dexterity or Wisdom to improve by +2

Proficiencies: Stealth and Perception

Gift: Advantage on Stealth and Perception checks in circumstances where Goa’uld themselves, Goa’uld technology, or servants of Goa’uld are involved.

Edited by DaleDavis67
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Interesting idea with the whole different gods to pick from influencing things. That's cool. 🙂

Though I do have to say the whole "Gift" not only giving advantage to two kinds of checks but also apparently seemingly with no restrictions is a lot and comes across as overpowered and better than the other races. Basic Human does have advantage on two checks (Persuasion and Deception) but it's specifically for when there's first contact that haven't met visitors from another world. Maybe you meant as included through the base guidelines and just didn't say it. Idk. But your idea does add a nice flavor element. 👍

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13 hours ago, McKayRulez said:

Interesting idea with the whole different gods to pick from influencing things. That's cool. 🙂

Though I do have to say the whole "Gift" not only giving advantage to two kinds of checks but also apparently seemingly with no restrictions is a lot and comes across as overpowered and better than the other races. Basic Human does have advantage on two checks (Persuasion and Deception) but it's specifically for when there's first contact that haven't met visitors from another world. Maybe you meant as included through the base guidelines and just didn't say it. Idk. But your idea does add a nice flavor element. 👍

I intentionally left off the restriction as Humans from Cimmeria, or Humans not mentioned in Racial Origins on page 41 of the rules, do not have access to those specific Origins which do offer some significant advantages.  I hope the game is successful enough where the company can come out with additional supplements to flesh-out Humans from other planets.

Thanks for the feedback!

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I don't think most of the Ratcial Origins of the other races are as significant an advantage as two checks having full complete adv with no restrictions, but whatever, it's your thing. You do you.

Anyways, on another note, if you wanted some race specific equipment ideas, the old Stargate Roleplay had a thing called Mjolnir pendants, which were pendants that the Asgard gave humans such as the Cimmeria to repel Goa'uld so they couldn't be taken as hosts.

Edited by McKayRulez
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