Ance is a small man of 26 rotations. He maintains a slight physique for which he makes up with his dexterous movements. Though he identifies as he/him (or they/them), this would not always be apparent from his appearance or chosen apparel. He is equally at home working with an Engineering Team or at a Euphoric Trance Rave - a phenomenon he only recently discovered. He finds himself a bit less adept when dealing with people one-on-one, however.
Ance grew up in a privileged caste system where he was wealthy and mostly depressed on Langara (P2S-4C3) as his parents would not allow him to participate in the Engineering activities he enjoyed. Those activities were reserved for those in a different "caste." After a falling out with his parents Ance chose to seek a position w/ the Tau'ri when it became available at the Phoenix Site.
Human (27):
- +10 HP
- Ability Score Increase; +2 Intelligence chosen
- Proficiencies - choose any two
- Nature
- Investigation
Origins (36):
- Artificial
- Wisdom +1
- Life or Death Repairs
- Scholar (40)
- Bonus Proficiency: Science
- Preserve Knowledge: Adv on Persuasion checks w/ Scholars, learned people, or those who wish to preserve knowledge.
Class (47)
- Engineer
- HP 8
- +4 HP per level over 1st
- Determination Points: +2
- Proficiencies
- Armor: Light
- Weapons: Common weapons, Sidearms, Longarms
- Tools: Engineering Kit, Explosives, Fabrication Kit
- Saving Throws: Dexterity and Intelligence
- Skills: Engineering, Pilot, Perception
- Jury Rig (47)
- Repair machine w/ engineering kit, heal 2d8 (vs 2d6).
- Repair adjacent machine as action vs. short rest.
- Modifications
- Modification feat: (waiting to choose until makeup of team is determined)
Ance Vogel.pdf