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By yodasmaster123
  • Created

Open in Character Builder (Beta) View Badge
  • Rank 4
  • Mission Points 17
  • Race Aturen
  • Class Scout
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Allarek trained with one of the martial houses on Atura as he grew up but idolized the Nox and their ways. When Allarek became an adult he decided to further study the Nox' ways and become a Noxian pacifist. While he agrees with the Nox' extreme pacifist view he cannot agree with their policy of non-involvement as he thinks about where his world and his people would be if the Nox hadn't stepped up to teach them a better way so long ago.

When the SGC encountered them he was eager to join the struggle against the Goa'uld with the mindset that he would not directly fight but rather try to convince those oppressed or influenced by the Goa'uld to end the cycle of violence and oppression. He is still willing to hinder and stop those who mean harm to his team so long as such methods do not cause or result in his opponent's harm. As such he looks for ways to avoid conflict or set traps or situations where a fight may be avoided altogether.

With his youth spent training in ways to defend himself and the start of his young adult life spent in the various natural environments on his world Allarek is a natural scout and guide for his team.


  1. +1 Firing Range

  2. +1 Research Facility

  3. +2 to CON saves to avoid exhaustion from hot environments

  4. Atlantean Advantage

  5. Claymore Mine

  6. Climate Protection Clothing

  7. Gratitude of the Asgard

  8. Hero of Parva Unlock

  9. Hover FRED

  10. Ring Transporter Device

  11. SCUBA

Episode Runs

    • Episode Number: 1.10
    • Tier: 1
    • Success
    • Episode Number: 1.08
    • Tier: 1
    • Success
    • Episode Number: 0.03
    • Tier: 1
    • Success
    • Episode Number: 0.01
    • Tier: 1
    • Success
    • Episode Number: 1.04
    • Tier: 1
    • Success
    • Episode Number: 1.02
    • Tier: 1-4
    • Success
    • Episode Number: 1.01
    • Tier: 1-4
    • Success
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