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Stargate Blank Character Sheet (2 pages) 1.2.0

   (3 reviews)

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About This File

leave the beta version and update to the official pdf of the game. It's not fancy, but it's work.. 

NOTE: THIS IS NOT A WYVERN GAMING DOCUMENT. Download at your own risk! (This document was submitted by a member of this site. Wyvern Gaming does not vouch for the security of this document.)

Edited by nathrae
update to pdf final version

What's New in Version 3.0.0   See changelog


Improve of the version, and the tranlate to spanish of the skill and combact actions actions, now it's editable pdf

Stargate RPG Beta Character (V3.0).pdf

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Simon Burling

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Nice Sheet, on conditions,  you have misspelled Entangled.

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   0 of 1 member found this review helpful 0 / 1 member

Simple, plain, and to-the-point.  However, "Entagled" instead of "Entangled" STILL needs to be corrected.  This is a sub-basic error.  Likewise, it needs to be "Paralysed".  And also, "Armour" instead of "Armor".

Additionally, the "Equipment & Notes" section could do with being broken down into several appropriate sub-sections, such as for "Standard Kit", "[Named] Tool Kit" "Weapons", "Ammunition", etc.

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Of the variety of sheets I tried out for this game, this one was my favorite as the GM.  The fact that it can be filled out electronically and the detail are what make it the best in my opinion.  Thanks so much for this!

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