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Version 1.0.3
The Stargate SG-1 Roleplaying Game is an officially licensed sci-fi tabletop game where you assume the role of a member of Stargate Command. As an SG team member, you and your teammates will go on missions, guided by a Gatemaster, in the fight against the Goa'uld and other threats. The game is based on the D&D 5th Edition Open Gaming License. Backing this project makes you among the first to join up with the Stargate program at the Phoenix Site!From 10.00 USD42 points -
MGM AND WYVERN GAMING TO LAUNCH STARGATE ROLEPLAYING GAME INSPIRED BY HIT TELEVISION SERIES Fans to Get Sneak Peek at Gen Con in August, with Release to Follow at Gen Con 2020 June 11, 2019 — “Permission to barge in, sir?” Now all Stargate aficionados have “permission to barge in” and take on the bad guys with the Stargate Roleplaying Game. MGM, a leading entertainment company focused on the production and global distribution of film and television content including major franchises such as Rocky, James Bond, Fargo, Vikings, The Handmaid’s Tale and Pink Panther, and game design company Wyvern Gaming, are collaborating on a new roleplaying game based on the popular Stargate SG-1™ TV series. Fans will be able to get a sneak peek at the game at Gen Con this August, with the launch expected to follow in 2020. MGM’s licensing agency, Brandgenuity, is managing the development and roll out of the Stargate licensing program and brokered the agreement between Wyvern Gaming and MGM. Brad Ellis, CEO at Wyvern Gaming, said, “We love the Stargate franchise, and we wanted to create a roleplaying game in which fans can become a member of the SGC. Just imagining progressing a character from level 1 to 20 while exploring the universe is a thrilling thought. We’re building on top of the D&D 5th edition Open Gaming License to make this an approachable game for roleplayers while adding the exploration and mechanics necessary for a modern science fiction setting.” Robert Marick, Executive Vice President Global Consumer Products and Experiences at MGM, said, “There’s a passionate fanbase for Stargate SG-1 who are eager to immerse themselves in experiences that extend the brand well beyond the TV screen. Collaborating with Wyvern Gaming on the Stargate Roleplaying Game enables us to give those who continue to watch and re-watch episodes of the hit TV show the opportunity to enjoy the series and its memorable characters in a whole new way.” The new Stargate Roleplaying Game lets players explore the galaxy and aid in the fight against the Goa’uld System Lords. The core rulebook contains all the information needed to create a character and join the Stargate Command (SGC). Players will choose from a set of playable races and classes as they learn the skills, feats, equipment, and technologies needed to make their character thrive as an SG team member. The book also covers how to be a Game Commander (GC). In the game, Stargate Missions are handed down from Stargate Command. Players may be asked to capture a point of interest, explore new worlds, retrieve important artifacts, rescue important VIPs, or assassinate/capture high-value targets. Stargate Missions will launch the Living Campaign that will allow the players’ characters to advance through the ranks of the SGC. Through an online system, players can track their character’s progression, earn unique items, and become a legend within the SGC. For updates on the Stargate Roleplaying Game, sign-up at https://stargatetherpg.com/ Beyond the Stargate Roleplaying Game, MGM and Brandgenuity continue to grow the Stargate SG-1 licensing program with recent products/partners including an upcoming fan convention from Creation Entertainment, collectible figures from Chronicle Collectibles, and tees from The Forecast Agency and American Classics. Stargate SG-1 the television series, produced by MGM Television, picks up where the blockbuster film left off. Colonel Jack O'Neill (RICHARD DEAN ANDERSON) and his SG-1 team; Daniel Jackson (MICHAEL SHANKS), Teal'c (CHRISTOPHER JUDGE), and Capt. Samantha Carter (AMANDA TAPPING), set out to explore the mysteries of the Stargate. Each mission through the gate takes the SG-1 team to new worlds in a seemingly boundless universe. About Wyvern Gaming Wyvern Gaming is a game design company whose mission is to create "Approachable Games For Everyone." The company has been producing games since 2015 and have a track record of producing easy to learn card and board games for the hobby game industry. We have the drive to build games that people can enjoy. We love gaming of all types, everything from tabletop role-playing games to 3D virtual reality shooters. Our hopes are to turn our passion into a few gaming classics. For more information, visit https://wyverngaming.com Gen Con Event Sign Up: https://www.gencon.com/event_finder?search=stargate RPG Geek: https://rpggeek.com/rpgitem/279302/stargate-roleplaying-game Wyvern Gaming website: http://wyverngaming.com/ Stargate Roleplaying Game website: https://stargatetherpg.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WyvernGaming.TableTop/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/WyvrenGaming About Metro Goldwyn Mayer Metro Goldwyn Mayer (MGM) is a leading entertainment company focused on the production and global distribution of film and television content across all platforms. The company owns one of the world’s deepest libraries of premium film and television content as well as the premium pay television network EPIX, which is available throughout the U.S. via cable, satellite, telco and digital distributors. In addition, MGM has investments in numerous other television channels, digital platforms and interactive ventures and is producing premium short-form content for distribution. For more information, visit www.mgm.com. About Brandgenuity Brandgenuity is a leading global independent brand licensing agency headquartered in New York, with offices in London, Munich and Hong Kong and ranked amongst the top 15 licensing agencies worldwide. The agency’s clients include BMW, Church & Dwight (ARM & HAMMER), White Castle, Edgewell (Edge, Banana Boat, Hawaiian Tropic, Playtex), Carmen Sandiego, MGM Studios (The Addams Family, Rocky, Pink Panther), ABI (Budweiser, Corona), NFLPA, and others. For more information, contact info@brandgenuity.com.26 points
Hey guys, I just wanted to put your mind at ease. We have a communication plan that we are sticking to. We are focusing a lot of our effort on game development at this time. Please understand that especially with a license property that there is an approval process that communications must go through. We're working with MGM very closely to ensure that what we produce is canon and makes sense for the franchise. This takes time. With that said, private playtesting has been going extremely well and there is a ton of excitement with those that are playing it. We'll be sending out new information soon and you'll see the frequency of communication increase as we get closer to February. Thanks Wyvern Gaming10 points
Hi all! My name is Brad and I'm the CEO of Wyvern Gaming. I wanted to first thank you for joining us on this mission of creating a new roleplaying game for Stargate. We love the franchise and want to make sure our game puts you in it. This adventure was the brainchild of our friend & partner Philip Loyer, who unfortunately is no longer with us. He would have been thrilled with the progress we have made, but incredibly nervous about the days to come. If he were still here we would joke about it and he would stress over it anyway. I miss my friend. This is for him. Thank you for helping us make a great game.10 points
Hey guys, we very much appreciate your feedback and want you to know that it was heard. Upon careful consideration and consultation on how the US military handles armed coalition forces. We have decided that it totally makes sense that Tau'ri forces and personal would defiantly be included in a base of this type. Tau'ri will be a human race option. Thanks!8 points
In case anyone is interested, I run my game in the present day. I do run the official stuff, but just updated for present day, and I intersperse homebrew into it as well. I basically devised a whole scenario that allows us to be fighting the Goa'uld and the Jaffa in 2022. Here is the text of that document. I have more noted below it. Some notes. So obviously, the Phoenix site is now in the Large Magellanic Cloud instead of the Milky Way, Haven is now a section of a larger city (Hyseria) that is built in the ruins of an even older Ancient city that had been bombarded from orbit. I used the following art I found online to represent Hyseria (click). I placed Haven in one of the craters, while Phoenix Base itself is built into the side of one of those craters. This creates a lot of fun opportunities for diplomacy with the natives. I went with General Carter instead of General Loyer, since I have no attachment to that character and now that I moved the plot into the present day, she's free. Basically any time the premade adventures mentions Anubis as being the Goa'uld in charge, I instead change this to Zeus, since he is the supreme system lord of the LMC in my story. While I have left several of the existing Goa'uld mentioned in those adventures with their original names, I have changed the names of a couple. For instance, I changed Tawaret to Urania, as I am putting a lot of the Greek gods and goddesses in the LMC, at least the ones not explicitly mentioned or shown on the show to be in the Milky Way. For instance, I can't use Cronus or Ares for obvious reasons, but there are plenty of others up for grabs. The actual stated goal of the SGC's mission in the LMC is acquiring new technology. Unofficially, there are two other goals. First, of course, there are some veterans of the original fight with the Goa'uld, both of the Tau'ri and their allies, that see Zeus' empire as unfinished business in need of smashing. This has been what has attracted a lot of the Tok'ra and Free Jaffa who joined the expedition. Secondly, several top people in the SGC, such as Gen. Carter and Dr. Lee, would like to use the technology there to give the Asgard a second lease on life. Hopefully this is interesting to some people. If you have questions about how I'm handing anything, just ask. EDIT: To differentiate the gate addresses, we are using C as a prefix (example: C6H-985). Most Milky Way gates use P (example: P3X-254), and most Pegasus gates use M (example: M2R-435).7 points
Version 1.0.0
This pack of digital STL files are suitable for 3D printing on a resin printer. The set includes the following set pieces: Phoenix Site Stargate (front) Phoenix Site Stargate (back) Phoenix Site DHD Transporter Rings (lower rings) Transporter Rings (top ring) **Does not include physical miniature**10.00 USD6 points -
Hi all, now that the core rulebook is out we're in a better position to focus on getting the episodes out. The following is the schedule we plan to keep to for the remainder of Season 1. This schedule is subject to change to accommodate for convention premier dates, but this should provide you with good guidance on timing. Episode 1 Release - March 2021 Wrap Up - September 30, 2021 Episode 2 Release - March 2021 Wrap Up - September 30, 2021 Episode 3 Release - September 16, 2021 (Gen Con) Wrap Up - December 31, 2021 Episode 4 Release - September 16, 2021 Wrap Up - December 31, 2021 Episode 5 Release - November 26, 2021 (San Diego Comic Con) Wrap Up - February 28, 2022 Episode 6 Release - November 26, 2021 (San Diego Comic Con) Wrap Up - February 28, 2022 Episode 7 Release - February 28, 2022 Wrap Up - April 30, 2022 Episode 8 Release - February 28, 2022 Wrap Up - April 30, 2022 Episode 9 Release - March 31, 2022 Wrap Up - May 31, 2022 Episode 10 Release - March 31, 2022 Wrap Up - May 31, 2022 Episode 11 Release - May 31, 2022 Wrap Up - July 31, 2022 Episode 12 Release - May 31, 2022 Wrap Up - July 31, 2022 Episode 13 Release - August 4, 2022 (Gen Con) Wrap Up - October 31, 20225 points
Version 1.0.1
About Season 1 Episode 1 - Groundbreaking The first episode of a 13 episode season. Purchasing this item gets you a 24 page PDF and access to create Episode Runs as part of the Living RPG Series: "Phoenix Site" Synopsis New to the Phoenix Program, you have been selected as a recruit for training. If all goes well, you may graduate to become a Phoenix team member to go off-world and explore the galaxy. Are you up for the challenge? A three-hour “episode” for level 1-4 characters of the Stargate SG-1 Roleplaying Game. Living RPG Series Stargate Phoenix – A Living RPG Series is a living campaign in which your character will live within a Stargate SG-1 canon universe series called "Stargate: Phoenix." Your success and failures will shape the story that plays out over a course of a “Season” of “Episodes” released over time.From 5.99 USD5 points -
5 points
5 points
We have been very hard at work on the development of the Stargate RPG. The closed beta playtest has now been going on since October and the feedback has been phenomenal! There have been many iterations of the core rulebook put through its paces by hundreds of people. With that said, we have two very exciting announcements about the Stargate RPG! Public Beta Playtest is now available! We had an overwhelming response to our first round of private playtest, so much so we had to turn people away. Well in this round, no one is turned away. If you are interested in helping make us make a great Stargate game we would love to have your help. We want you, the fans, to help us on this journey to create the best possible Stargate game ever produced. The Public Beta Playtest process is about collaborating with you, the fans. It is a game for you, and it should have input from you! To sign up, head over to https://stargateTheRPG.com > Click Play > Gaming Groups > Public Beta Playtest Group > Join Group From there you will get further instructions on how to participate. We look forward to working with you! We need Gatemasters (GMs) for Gen Con 2020! This August, the "Stargate: Phoenix -- A Living RPG Series" will be officially launched and we need your help. We're looking for about 30 GMs to run a minimum of 3 episodes. In exchange for running games, we'll provide for FREE the following: Run 3 Episodes = 4-day pass into the Gen Con 2020 + Exclusive Stargate Phoenix Gold Pin. Run 4 Episodes = All Above + Stargate Phoenix Arm Patch Run 5 Episodes or more = All Above + the Stargate RPG Core Rulebook To Sign up, send us an email at gamemaster@stargatetherpg.com with the subject line "Gen Con GM Sign Up" About "Stargate: Phoenix -- A Living RPG Series" Wyvern Gaming will be publishing official Episodes to play with the Stargate RPG Core Rulebook. In these Episodes, your character will live inside a Stargate canon series called "Stargate: Phoenix." Your success and failures will shape the story that plays out over a course of a Season of Episodes released over a year starting at Gen Con 2020 in August! Thanks5 points
Version 1.0.3
The purpose of this guide is to provide the details on the Stargate Phoenix Living Series and what you need to do in order to participate in the series as a player character. These guidelines set forth in herein are subject to change. This guide will be versioned and new versions of it will be published on about a quarterly basis. The latest version can always be found here.Free4 points -
4 points
So its official, system is registered in Foundry VTT and can be used right now! https://foundryvtt.com/packages/sgrpg If you will be missing something please let me know ideally by opening issue on github page. Its super fast: https://github.com/sadovsf/StargateRPGSystem/issues/new/choose4 points
4 points
4 points
Hello all, there has been a slight delay in the Kickstarter, but no delay in product development. I will have news in the coming weeks on the Kickstarter. Stay tuned!4 points
4 points
4 points
We are super excited to announce that the new Stargate SG-1 Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook is now available in digital PDF. We have two options available: Stargate SG-1 Roleplaying Game - Core Rulebook (PRE-ORDER) - this option you can go ahead and pre-order the physical book to be delivered to your door when it becomes available. By purchasing this pre-order you can also immediately get the digital PDF, free of charge. Stargate SG-1 Roleplaying Game - Core Rulebook (Digital PDF Only) - this option gets you straight into the action with full color, bookmarked, and searchable digital PDF. No waiting, no shipping. We also have several other add-ons digital and pre-order items available via our online store. Check them out! If you happen to be coming to Gen Con 2021 in Indianapolis, September 16-19. We also have an option to pick up the physical core rulebook free of shipping charge. If you have any trouble downloading the PDF the best way to get support is via this support form: https://stargatetherpg.com/support/create/ View full article3 points
We're looking for ideas for bottle episodes and we'd like to have your help! If you have a Stargate SG-1 story that you think would make a good one for the Phoenix team and are interested in getting a "Story By" credit in a published episode. Send us the mission outline to Gamemaster@wyverngaming.com Criteria for a bottle episode is that it can be slotted into any season and has a completely self contained story. We are looking to keep these Missions around 5 pages (2 hours).3 points
3 points
Here my first try of making a stargate map in Arkenforge. Part of the map is designed in Flowscape, and imported in Arkenforge. The tree animations and the moving water are from Arkenforge. The stargate DHD, and the pedestal are form editing (Gimp) downloaded material. Tell me what you think of it Stargate map.mp43 points
I don't see anything in the rules about replaying modules. Are players allowed to play a module again with a different character, or are people who have been a GM for a module allowed to play through that module after they have been a GM for it?3 points
Advantage does seem the logical way to go Speaking of Em'Lyn and logic, the encounter with her should be switched up to take place immediately after Loyer's briefing, as the way the module is currently structured makes no sense at all. You have a bunch of people, many of whom are culturally or actually alien. The very first thing you need to do is work out where to put them and anything they brought with them, NOT have them drop everything and just thrust guns into their hands trusting blindly that they will know how to use them without being a danger to themselves and others. Shooting isn't going to happen until after intake, orientation, medical checks, etc etc3 points
I'll make sure to add this in the next version of the Living Series Guide, but the rule is that a player can play an episode multiple times, but they must use different characters each time. A character can only play an episode once. Thanks3 points
3 points
Does anyone know if the STL files for the figures are going to be available for purchase? My husband didn't decide to get a 3d printer until now and wants the files.3 points
Version 1.1.0
A four page character sheet with plenty of room to document your character's features as they level up. Certain fields auto-calculate values based on ability scores and bonuses. You can select no proficiency ("-"), half proficiency ("H"), proficient ("P"), or expertise ("X") for each skill. Since some feats and origins allow for it, you can change the ability each skill is based on. The last page allows you to add more background information for your character and even attach an image. Important: Acrobat doesn't handle flowing text between fields very well, so you should be ready to cut and paste text over if you're worried it might overflow a text box. Happy Gaming, and good luck on your future missions!Free3 points -
It would be nice if the original episode 3 could be unofficially released as a non-canon episode if some of us wish to run it with out local groups. That was one of the games I had the most fun with at GenCon last year and am bummed that this is not going to be officially released. I was really looking forward to running that for my game group and get them excited about the game (like it did for me).3 points
Version 1.0.3
Beloved by all, Bythal was the daughter of the High Priestess of her Clan. Groomed to be the next priestess, she sought to help her people as much as she could, always with a smile and a warm word. When illness befell the clan, she was the first to aid the sick, turning to off-world allies. Having been visited by an SG Team before, she reached out to the SGC for aid, but by the time aid arrived, Bythal had succumbed to the illness’ grip. Her people begged the SGC to save their beloved Bythal. With limited options, the SGC contacted the Tok’ra. The symbiote Maste knew that their host was dying. To save her life, Maste’s aging host gave his life so that Bythal and Maste might unite. With the establishment of the SG Phoenix, General Loyer called on the newly merged Bythal and Maste to go through the Stargate and make peaceful contact with the galaxy.Free3 points -
Version 1.0.3
A refugee from Tollana, Bervell burns with a desire to punish the Goa’uld System Lords. Shortly after finishing his studies,the Goa’uld Anubis sent his emissary and Bervell watched as his people were forced to flee their home. One by one, the ships were shot down, killing everyone he’d known and loved. Bervell spent months in isolation, hiding in the ruins of his homeworld and attempting to call for help. Risking his life so that the universe would know his people’s fate, he managed to get an aging satellite online remotely. However, before he could complete his transmission, Goa’uld strike craft struck. He watched helplessly, once again, as the satellite broke up in high atmosphere. But that brief transmission was enough. A few months later, Bervell was rescued by a Tau’ri Stargate team and subsequently recruited by General Loyer for the Phoenix project. Now he has nothing left, save the desire for revenge and his pride in what his people had accomplished before their destruction.Free3 points -
Version 1.0.3
Originally from Puerto-Rico, Captain Selena Rodriguez was the youngest Air Force Pilot to reach the rank of Captain after she was thrust into the lead of a squad when her commander was shot down over Bosnia. In March 2000, Capt. Rodriguez, was diverted from her patrols of the Pacific Ocean for a strange mission that involved what she later found out was a crashing spaceship. Capt. Rodriguez was instrumental in keeping other Earth forces away from the crash site while it was covered up. Following these events General Hammond reached out to the Captain and recruited her into the SGC Program. When the opportunity to lead a brand new team called Phoenix-1 at the Phoenix Site arose, Selena jumped at the opportunity. Selena has a knack of bringing together people from a variety of backgrounds. Her ability to describe situations from others prospectives made her the prime candidate to lead Phoenix-1.Free3 points -
Here’s a list, compiled by galaxies, including planet name, address and sgc designation where these are known: https://stargate.fandom.com/wiki/Stargate_Network These are from the shows, books, the unfinished computer mmorpg, and the old tabletop rpg. I don’t think anyone has added the ones in this game yet.3 points
So after a long learning of VTT API and systems and really super short testing i bring you what i would dare to call alpha version of SGRPG system for FoundryVTT: https://github.com/sadovsf/StargateRPGSystem/releases If you run into some issues let me know here: https://github.com/sadovsf/StargateRPGSystem So far mainly systems and workings we wanted for our play and that were working in original roll20 implementation should be ready plus some QOL improvements. Hope you enjoy it and if you do, please consider supporting it. It helps me to keep working on it https://www.buymeacoffee.com/sadovsf3 points
Adventurers League & Path Finder Society are different from Living Stargate in important and utterly fundamental ways. First, there are so, so, many more than 13 adventures a season. Second, they're really no where like the linear story the LSG campaign has set itself up as. Thirdly, character progression isn't the strictly linear affair it is with the SG RPG. Oh, and there are a gajillion more people playing them than will ever play this campaign. If you're going to start level-gating adventures -- which I think is a terrible idea that screams trying to hammer a SGRPG peg into a AL/PFS hole -- instead of designing them to be playable by any level then, you have to accept that some people aren't going to be able to play them. Putting that gate in, then twisting everything in knots trying to find ways to allow people to bypass it seems to me to be a self-defeating exercise. Why go to all the effort of finding a way to circumvent the problem when the problem doesn't even have to exist to begin with? The question people should be asking is how to handle tables with both low and higher level characters sitting at it, which is far more pertinent to convention style play. What happens if someone who's played all of season one sits down at a table otherwise populated by people whose first game is the start of season 2? Or tables where most characters have an extra half season of play over someone? The devs should have gone with a scaleable NPC system where you work out how challenging an encounter/adventure is meant to be -- Milk Run, easy, difficult, hard, impossible -- and the system scales the numbers so that level of challenge remains broadly consistent. Since they didn't, it's going to have to fall to the episode writers to include a section dealing with these issues.3 points
3 points
Ok so I am a gun guy in real life. Been shooting for 45 years, six in the Army as an Infantryman. Some thoughts on weapons ranges, versus what is currently in print, and what has been suggested. Sidearm - Qualification for the CCDW (concealed carry) permit in Kentucky is 20 rounds, within the designated space on a target that resembles the standard E-type silhouette used by the US military. Range to hit the target is 7m. I can hit a target, generally speaking, out to 25m, anything beyond that will be a waste of ammo, or just suppressive fire. Longarm - this will vary by specific weapon, but 1800m I can guarantee you, it unrealistic. For example, I was regularly knocking down targets at 300m with a standard M16A2 rifle, with no optics. The best I ever did was an EXPENDEX within my platoon, and I hit 18 out of 20 from a standing unsupported position at 500m. Twice. If memory serves, area target for the M4 was 550m, so engaging a larger than man sized target or suppressing an area, that was the max effective range, in general. Point targets, as in a man, the range was 500m. This was strictly iron sights, no optics. Using my AR15, with a 16 inch barrel, and just a 3x optic, I can hit a point target at 500m without much effort, and not just hit it, but hit it in tight groupings. The standard optic used by both the Marines and Army is the Trjicon ACOG, which is a 4x scope, with a fiber optic illuminated reticle. I'll let one of the younger grunts that has direct experience with those chime in on effective ranges. Additionally, the caliber as well as the projectile itself, have a great deal to do with the performance of the weapon. The military is shifting over to the 6.8mm SPC cartridge, which has more power than the current 5.56mm cartridge, further range, and shoots flatter. It also dumps a lot more energy into the target. That said, swap out the FMJ projectile with something with a better ballistic coefficient, and you can get better range, better velocity, and even more damage inflicted on the target. I personally shoot 5.56mm and .300 Blackout. I run standard 55 grain and 62 grain ammo in my 5.56 AR. I am currently running 110 grain Lehigh Defense Controlled Chaos ammo in my 300BLK, from a barrel length half that of my 5.56mm. I am getting 2/3 the velocity, but due to the bullet weight, the ballistic coefficient, and the fact that the projectile is a milled copper hollow point, designed to have four petals curl back, shear off, and create their own wound channels, dumping most of the kinetic energy into the target within the 6-8 inch penetration range, it is my preferred hunting and home defense caliber. BUT, because this is a modification of the casing of the 5.56mm round, using pistol powder rather than rifle powder, and a .30cal projectile, the range suffers. At 200m I am looking at about 12 inches of bullet drop, which means I have to aim a foot higher than my intended point of impact. At 300m, it increases to 18 inches. At a 500m target, you have to aim so high above the target, you aren't able to use the optics anymore. 350 Legend has similar ballistics, as does 7.62x39 (the AK47). I am very seriously considering building an upper receiver for my AR rifle chambered in 6.5 Grendel, which will hit like a hammer, and reach out to 500-800m, shooting very flat. And that's an AR15. As much as I love the shows, it always bothered me why they would use the P90 over existing M4s and variants. The 5.7mm round doesn't really offer close to the armor piercing capabilities of the black tip armor piercing 5.56mm ammo. Yes, the standard magazine holds 50 rounds, but at the rate of fire exhibited on TV, you're going to burn through the 10,000 rounds hauled in by FRED in no time. Besides, with an M4, one or more team members could be also equipped with any make of the conversions to .22LR, making hunting small game an easy task. And a brick of 100 rounds of .22LR takes up hardly any space, and the weight is negligible. A smaller package than a Henry AR-7 in the pack. I was never a sniper, but the effective ranges for any number of commonly used rifles can easily be found. I would look at the general maximum range targets have been engaged in the field, rather than looking at record breaking shots. And as for shotguns, range and damage are dependent on the size of the shot, or slug, fired. When I lived in New York, we were only allowed shotguns to hunt deer, and the furthest I shot a deer, or even tried, with a slug, was 75m. Any further was an increasingly exponential chance of a miss, or hitting it so softly as to make it mad, and come kick me out of the apple tree and kick my ass. Buck shot, as in 00 buck, would be the next longest range, and decreasing in effectiveness and damage according to the smaller size shot used.3 points
Version 1.0.0
Various Stargate fonts for use by .G.M.s and players. If you know of any others please tell me and I'll add them. Alien: Asgard, Furling, Goa'uld (Decorative), Goa'uld (screen used Nak't), Nox, and Wraith. Ancient: Computer, Handwritten, G-handwritten, and Anquietas. Stargate Glyhs: Mk.1 Gate glyphs (Universe), Mk.2 Gate Milkyway glyphs (.S.G.1.), and Mk.3 Gate Pegasus (Atlantis). Titles: Stargate franchise title and Assidious (early .V.H.S. episode subtitle font). Virus free when uploaded. NOTE: THIS IS NOT A WYVERN GAMING DOCUMENT. Download at your own risk! (This document was submitted by a member of this site. Wyvern Gaming does not vouch for the security of this document.)Free3 points -
The thing I will most interested in seeing is an Exploration generation ruleset. That was what I enjoyed the most when playing the previous SG RPG. There are quite a few systems with novel ways of generating exploration content. Roll a few charts to create the world entering (climate, culture encountered, etc). As well as some generic random encounter/mishap charts similar to those found in Forbidden Lands (my current fav exploration RPG).3 points
Does the development team plan on having any miniatures made for this game? is it going to be something we could perhaps kickstart? I know I for one would kickstart the heck out of some miniatures! i mean think about it! an aspiring "mission commander" gathers their friends around the table to try out the new Stargate RPG not only do they whip out enough books for everyone at the table but they also have plenty of minuatrues and maybe even some paper maps to make this inaugural session an immersive and memorable experience! ive seen some miniatures by other developers but they're difficult to find and generally in poor condition.3 points
This is an unlimited link to the Wyvern Gaming discord. https://discord.gg/Hh8Vdhe3 points
Hear about the latest about the soon to launch Kickstarter for the Stargate Roleplaying Game! Brad Ellis, CEO of Wyvern Gaming, talks about why they choose 5th edition to base their game on, creating a new race for the game, and working with MGM to make it canon. https://roleofthedice.com/2020/01/06/episode-121-stargate-role-playing-game-with-brad-ellis/ iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-121-stargate-roleplaying-game-with-brad-ellis/id1294474637?i=1000461700543 Google Play Music: https://play.google.com/music/m/Dsslvskqetlcihh6nojzb2h4jna?t=Episode_121_-_Stargate_Roleplaying_Game_with_Brad_Ellis-Role_of_the_Dice_Podcast Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-493438868/episode-121-stargate-roleplaying-game-with-brad-ellis RSS Feed: http://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:337077417/sounds.rss3 points
Both missions were very well received! One of the questions on the survey asked if the game felt like Stargate, the unanimous response to this was YES! The players felt there character played well and loved the character sheets. Here is an image right before a session. The front of our Diplomat pregen character.3 points
Greetings! My name is Cate. I'm a huge Stargate fan and I love gaming! I love a good story because we're all stories in the end. No power In the 'verse could stop me from being the nerd I am. Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. ^_^3 points
I think screens present an effective tabletop mechanism for hiding notes while not creating too much of a barrier between players and DM if landscape. At the same time, I like having a screen in digital format because it makes for a convenient reference mechanism if the tabletop doesn't have the real estate space for another "thing." I mean, tables can quickly get cluttered with stuff and sometimes the GM can't claim the space.3 points
2 points
2 points